Default Feature Settings

This page describes the settings that can be modified by conference Hosts via the Settings tab in the Host Control Panel. Some options are controlled by the Account Administrator, and the Host needs to contact the Administrator to modify those settings. See Setting Up a Conference Bridge and Understanding Account Administrators and Conference Hosts for more information on configuring and modifying settings and options for a conference bridge.

Every conference call begins with the default features settings associated with that particular conference bridge, regardless of any setting changes that may have been made during the prior live conference call. You may change the default settings at any time by selecting the Settings tab in the Host Control Panel. Any changes to the default settings will take effect with the next conference call, and will not affect a live conference in progress. You can temporarily modify most of these settings during a conference call using a Host Keypad Command or via the Live Conference tab in the Host Control Panel.

The options for each setting are described below – the system default setting is * highlighted *.

Conference Mode

Controls the speaking privileges of the participants.

Setting Description
* Conversation * All participants are un-muted.
Presentation Non-hosts are muted and cannot un-mute themselves.
Question & Answer Non-hosts start muted – can un-mute themselves by pressing *6
Hosts Only Non-hosts are placed on hold – hosts engage in private conversation.

Conference Start

Specifies when the conference will begin. Prior to the conference start, participants are placed on hold.

Setting Description
* When 2nd caller joins * No host required. Conference begins when 2nd caller arrives.
When host joins Non-hosts placed on hold until first host arrives.
When host confirms All callers remain on hold until a host begins the conference by pressing *3

Conference End

This setting only applies if a host participates in the conference.

Setting Description
* When last caller leaves *  
1 minute after host leaves Timer begins when last host departs.
5 minutes after host leaves  
15 minutes after host leaves  
30 minutes after host leaves  

Entry Notice

You can specify audible alerts when participants join or leave your conferences.

Setting Description
* Chime * Entry chime plays when new caller arrives.
Name “John Doe just joined the conference.”
None No audible alert when new caller arrives.

Exit Notice

Setting Description
* Chime * Exit chime plays when a caller departs.
Name “John Doe just left the conference.”
None No audible alert when a caller departs.

Record Conferences

You may record all your conferences by default with this setting. The Recording Playback setting controls whether callers can listen to your recordings by phone via the dial-in Playback number.

Setting Description
Yes All calls are automatically recorded – host can press *1 to stop recording.
* No * Calls are not automatically recorded – host can press *1 to start recording.

Prompt Callers for Name

You must also specify the Name option for Entry and/or Exit Notice to play the recorded name into the conference. Alternatively, you can use the Host Control Panel to play the recorded name privately on your computer.

Setting Description
Yes Callers are prompted to record their names upon arrival.
* No * No prompt for recorded name.

Announce Caller Count

Hosts will always hear a count of callers when joining the conference. This setting determines whether non-hosts will also hear that announcement.

Setting Description
Yes Upon arrival, non-hosts are told how many callers are already in the conference.
* No * Only hosts hear the number of callers that are already in the conference.

Music on Hold

Note that any caller can turn off music-on-hold by pressing ** on the keypad. You can choose among different music selections via the Settings page in the Host Control Panel.

Setting Description
* Yes * Music plays while callers on hold – press ** to turn off.
No Silence while callers are on hold.

Participant Access (Host Control Panel setting)

You may use the Caller List entries in the Host Control Panel to block specific callers. Alternatively, you can use this setting to block all callers whose phone numbers are not included in the Caller List.

Setting Description
* Allow all participants * You may block specific callers via the Caller List.
Only allow participants in Caller List Only callers whose phone numbers are included in the Caller List will be allowed – others will be blocked.

Block Anonymous Callers (Host Control Panel setting)

You can prevent callers who block their Caller ID from joining your conferences. If you enable this setting, callers with blocked Caller IDs will hear the announcement, "You must un-block your Caller ID to join this conference."

Setting Description
Yes Callers must unblock their Caller ID in order to join the conference.
* No * Anonymous callers are allowed to join.

Require User IDs (Host Control Panel setting)

Setting Description
* No * No prompt for User ID.
Valid User ID Required Caller must enter valid User ID to join the conference.
Valid User ID Optional Caller can join without entering User ID. If entered, the User ID must be valid.
Required, Not Validated Callers must enter a User ID to join the conference, but the code is not validated.

Recording Playback (Host Control Panel setting)

See Recording Playback for instructions on managing options for enabling callers to listen to past conference recordings over the phone.

Setting Description
* Disabled * Dial-in recording playback is not available.
All Recordings All conference recordings are available via the dial-in Playback number. Callers must enter the assigned Recording Number to listen to a particular past recording – otherwise, only the most recent recording can be played.
Selected Recordings Only Use the History & Recordings page in the Host Control Panel to designate which conference recordings are available via the dial-in Playback number.